Xudong Feng

I am a PhD candidate in the CAD&CG State Key Lab at Zhejiang University under the supervision of Prof. Weiwei Xu.
My research interests include physics-based simulation & animation, and its combination with learning in computer graphics.
Mail xudongfeng18@gmail.com
Github Rullec


Neural-Assisted Homogenization of Yarn-Level Cloth
Xudong Feng, Huamin Wang, Yin Yang, Weiwei Xu
SIGGRAPH 2024 Conference Track
Improve simulation efficiency significantly by improving the quality of Newton step.
Learning-Based Bending Stiffness Parameter Estimation by a Drape Tester
Xudong Feng, Wenchao Huang, Weiwei Xu, Huamin Wang
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) (SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 Journal track)
Paper Video Code
Some clothes don't wrinkle as easily as their friends, and this is because of bending stiffness.
In this paper, we work to measure it to make simulations more realistic.
Computational Design of Skinned Quad-Robots
Xudong Feng, Jiafeng Liu, Huamin Wang, Yin Yang, Hujun Bao, Bernd Bickel, and Weiwei Xu
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 27, no. 6 (2019): 2881-2895.
How to make the simulated quad-robots walk in the real world?

Teaching, Talks and Open Source

Numerical Analysis, Zhejiang University (2019)
Teaching Assitant
GAMES 201: Advanced Physics Engines (2020)
Teaching Assitant
My talk about the measurement of bending quantaties for fabrics. (Chinese)
A contributor to Taichi Lang


My favourate keyboard: Cherry MX 3000.

One of my hobbies that might be considered a bit nerdy is practicing typing.
Over time, I've tried various methods to improve my typing speed, but I've found that keybr.com is the most effective.
With consistent practice on the site, anyone can significantly improve their typing speed in just one week!
Sigmund Freud, Kurt Gödel
Carl F. Gauss, David Hilbert
Thrills from travelling

One of my hobbies that might be considered not so nerdy is travelling.
Unlike other travelers, what I enjoy most is visiting the traces left by ancient figures or events.
These traces always give me a thrill and help me understand that our world is connected through time.
Wanderer above the Sea of Fog, composed 10 years before Schubert's death.
Music of Franz Schubert

Amazing music lasts forever. I really enjoy listening to Franz Schubert's songs, especially Lider Erlkönig, the Fantasie in F Minor, Trio No.2 Op.100 and his last piece Sonata D.960. It's unbelieable that he finished so many great works in only 10+ years.